About Us

Zateo Joy: A couple run sex store

Our Story: Embracing Sex Positivity and Empowering Relationships

At Zateo Joy, we are not just business partners; we have been a married couple for over 20 years who are passionate about promoting sex positivity and empowering relationships. Our journey as a couple and as entrepreneurs has led us to create an eCommerce adult toy store that celebrates sexual exploration, pleasure, and inclusivity.

Our story began with a shared belief in the power of open and honest communication when it comes to intimacy and relationships. We recognized that society often carries stigmas and taboos around sexuality, which can hinder individuals and couples from fully embracing their desires and experiencing the joy of sexual expression.

As we navigated our own journey as a couple, we realized the importance of creating a safe and non-judgmental space where individuals and couples could explore their sexuality and discover new ways to enhance their pleasure. We wanted to break down the barriers and misconceptions surrounding adult toys and create an environment that promotes self-acceptance, consent, and sexual well-being.

 Driven by our shared vision, we decided to combine our passion for sex positivity with our entrepreneurial spirit. We embarked on the adventure of starting our own eCommerce adult toy store, with the aim of providing a curated selection of products that would empower individuals and couples to embrace their desires and enhance their intimate experiences.

As a married couple running a sex positive adult toy store, we bring a unique perspective to our business. We understand firsthand the importance of trust, respect, and consent in a relationship. We believe that open and honest communication about desires and boundaries is essential for creating a fulfilling and satisfying intimate life.

Our store is a reflection of our commitment to sex positivity and inclusivity. We carefully curate our collection, ensuring , inclusivity, and designed to cater to a diverse range of preferences and identities. From vibrators and dildos to BDSM gear and gender-affirming products, our selection is designed to celebrate the beauty of sexual diversity and empower individuals to explore their desires.

But our mission goes beyond just providing products. We strive to create a community where individuals can find support, education, and inspiration. Through our blog, we share informative and empowering content on topics related to sexual health, consent, and relationships. We aim to foster a sex positive culture that encourages open dialogue and de-stigmatizes conversations around sexuality.

We are committed to ensuring a safe and discreet shopping experience for our customers. We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality. That's why we package and ship all orders in plain, unmarked packaging, with no indication of the contents inside. Your privacy is our top priority.

We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your journey towards sexual empowerment and pleasure. Thank you for choosing Zateo Joy as your trusted partner in embracing sex positivity and enhancing your intimate experiences.


With love and empowerment,

The Zateo Joy Couple!